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My name is Kaya Sai and I believe that pleasure should be a priority in one's life. My extravagant lifestyle is just a reflection of this philosophy. I understand the finer things in life and know how to acquire them. I am always searching for innovative ways to add to my opulent real-life and hedonistic lifestyle. The metaverse has allowed me to extend my lavish lifestyle, take my love for luxury to new heights and discover other levels of indulgence. I can make use of it at any place and moment in time. As an addition to my real-life, the Metaverse offers possibilities to enhance my experiences and explore new realms of pleasure.

I think it goes without saying that you will never be a part of my actual life. I don't require anyone else to supplement that side. Meeting people in my real life would totally defeat the purpose of the metaverse anyway. So, there is no point to that.

The bright side is that you do have an opportunity to meet me in the metaverse, and if you live up to my quality standards, you might even be able to join me in my private activities and way of life.


Welcome to my world, where luxury meets extravagance.


Gula = ✔

Luxuria | Fornicatio | porneia =  ✔

Avaritia =  ✔

Tristitia =  ✔

Invidia =  ✔

Ira =  ✔

Acedia =  ✔

Vanagloria =  ✔

Superbia | hyperēphania = ✔

Kaya Sai Signature
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